
Gemological Institute of America(米国宝石鑑定学会/サンタモニカ)留学、Graduate Gemologist(宝石鑑定士)取得。広島、山口の翻訳会社にて技術翻訳を担当。趣味は旅行と映画鑑賞。
Paige (ペイジ先生)

Hello! I’m Paige and I am a foreign exchange student currently attending Kurashiki University of the Arts and Science, and I am from Nevada, America. In the future I wish to become a English teacher, and because of that I decided to try working at Global English Academy. I think working here will help me start to see what teaching methods work for students and understand them a bit better.
Traveling the globe has never been easier, and international trade has boomed making languages such as English and Chinese a desired quality for the workplace. I believe that the most efficient way of learning a language is through speaking. Throughout the lessons I hope the student and I will be able to discuss various topics from hobbies such as baseball and volleyball, traveling, how to ask directions, all the way to preparing for exams and school.
Jennifer Yumi (ユミ先生)

I first started teaching in 2016 when I was a 10th grader. I have been teaching English ever since and other school subjects as well, and the students were from the school I attended, and they were usually from grade 1 to grade 10. I feel I can go along well with children, and I gained useful life skills like patience and empathy. Personally, I really enjoy teaching because I also get to learn so many things from the students as well!
Besides taking English language lessons, I remember learning English by reading English novels, watching movies and listening to music. Most importantly, it’s important to make use of English in a practical way from whatever you learn. So, once I started to interact with friends and conversed in English more, my English became better and more polished day by day.
I love watching movies, especially if the genre is thriller or horror. I also spend my free time reading novels, travelling and sightseeing historical sites (which I get to do a lot in Okayama), and I also love getting engaged in volunteer works. One of my main challenges now is learning Japanese so I can understand Japanese culture better. I will try my best to become more fluent in Japanese!
Hoang Ha (ハー先生)

I started studying English when I was little. To study a language, the best way is by studying the culture of the country that speaks that language, so one of my favorite ways of studying English is through watching movies. Some of my favorites are James Bond, Fast and Furious and I also love watching classic movies.
In my opinion, music is also one really efficient way to study English. My favorite singers recently are Niki and Keshi. What’re your favorite artists? ^^
I also love photography and badminton. After arriving at Okayama, there is a park next to my campus, 運動公園. I love spending time there with my friends, playing sports and talking.
I am trying to learn Japanese since I am going to spend 4 years studying in Japan, and I would love to know more about Japanese culture.
Tran My Linh (リン先生)

皆さん、こんにちは。私はリンです。ベトナム出身で、日本に住んで約 2 年になります。20歳で、岡山大学の 3 年生です。日本の文化、食べ物、言葉、教育が大好きで、日本とベトナムをつなぐという夢を持って勉強し、働くためにここに来ました。
Hello everyone. My name is Linh and I’m 20 years old. I’m from Vietnam, have been living in Japan for almost 2 years now and I’m in my third year at Okayama University. I love Japanese culture, food, language and education, so I came here to study and work with a dream of connecting Japan and Vietnam.
Nowadays, in a fast developing and integrating world, the need for communication in English is essential more than ever. To adapt to that, each of us needs a good English-speaking skill. Through lessons, I want to help students be able to speak freely on topics, from hobbies, daily life activities, to conversations in formal situations.
Lin Thu Kha Htaik(ウィリアム先生)

Arizona State University:TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)の資格取得。
皆さん、こんにちは!私はミャンマー出身のLin Thu Kha Htaikです。ウィリアムとよんでください。1年半以上英語を教えています。
また、Arizona State University で TESOL(Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages)の資格も取得しました。
生徒さんにとって、良い先生になれるといいなと思っています 🙂
Hello everyone! I am from Myanmar and I have taught English for more than 1 and a half years.
How I got into teaching is that I got a job offer from a school where I prepared for my IELTS test and started as an assistant teacher. I looked after various students from a variety of ages, from young ages (5,6), teenagers(16,17) to older people(35~). Among the classes that I took care of, I also helped many students preparing for the IELTS exam. I gained a passion for teaching and seeing my students succeed makes me happy.
Throughout my career, I got promoted to main teacher at an international school, teaching classes ranging from 15 to 40 people, and also got TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificate from Arizona State University.
I hope I can become a good teacher for my students! : )
My name is Lin Thu Kha Htaik but you can call me William! I love to read books and communicate with new people. I also love good food so if you have any recommendations, please do so!
Lee Shu Qing (シューチン先生)

私はマレーシアのINTI International University & Collegesを1年間のデザインの学部課程を経て卒業しました。現在は倉敷芸術科学大学4年生です。
どうも、はじめまして! 私の名前はLee Shu Qing (リーシューチン)です。 Leeは私の家族の名前で、Shu Qingは私の個人名です。
私は何かを学び、教えるのが大好きです。 英語は私の最も自信のある科目なので、誰かが英語のスキルを向上させたり、最初から英語を学んだりするのを手伝うのを本当に楽しみにしています。 新しい言語を学ぶのは難しいかもしれませんが、何かに苦労している場合は私が案内しますのでご安心ください。
私は主に英語の本を読むのが大好きな人です。 余暇には、自分のフィクションも書いています。 私にとって、テキストでの言語の練習は音楽の作成と同等です。
Hi there, my name’s Lee Shu Qing! I come from the tropical country Malaysia that boasts a plethora of delicious foods.
I’m currently a 3rd year student in Kurashiki University of Arts and Science.
Growing up reading books excessively, English has become something I am most confident in myself. Which is why as an avid learner myself, I’d be delighted if I could teach others. Learning something foreign can be scary, but it can also be fun. If you ever face difficulty while learning, rest assured as we can go through it together.
When you’re learning a language, it is vital you practice it. Which is why talking, preferably in English, is very much welcomed during classes. It could be about anything; how your day went, your interests, your troubles etc.
Let’s have fun learning English!